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Easy Fresh Basil Tomato Sauce

Plants Not Plastic
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Italian
Servings 2 cups


  • 5 medium Roma tomatoes (1) diced (2)
  • 5 cloves garlic sliced (3)
  • 10 leaves fresh basil sliced


  • Over medium heat, saute tomato and garlic in a medium sauce pan for 20-40 minutes, to desired consistency (4) and stirring frequently
  • Turn off heat and stir in basil
  • Serve over pasta of choice
  • Enjoy!



  1. You can use any kind of tomato, but Roma's are the most classic for pasta sauce recipe and tend to be the most accessible
  2. You can pulse the tomatoes before you book them to get a smooth, more traditional tomato sauce texture instead of a rougher, more rustic one.
  3. I prefer sliced garlic, but you can mince your garlic if you like a more even flavor.
  4. Cooking for less time will have a more watery consistency with more volume and acidity, cooking for more time will have a thicker consistency with less volume and more sweetness.